We film, photograph, and help share your organization's events and services.
Sample photography:
PA State Educators Assocation - past president luncheon
Bayada Nurses lobby day at the Capitol
Select Medical - mayor's ribbon cutting ceremonyQuestions about video production or photography? Contact Andy@GaskinMedia.com
For 20 years, Gaskin has helped associations, coalitions, and small businesses affordably build websites and provide personal project management for day-to-day updates. We can offer your organization:
Typical website development price range is between $5,000 - $10,000.
Website content management and hosting starts at $249/month.
Having a single point of contact for all website needs has made a huge difference for many of our clients. No more playing "who has the password".
Contact Andy@GaskinMedia.com for more information.
"I wanted to let you know how impressed I am with your work. The video and web site are both first
-Bayada Nurses
"Major compliments on the website coming to us from fellow advocates."
-Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children
"Nice work, we all appreciate the effort and ease with which the video project has been handled."
-Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania
"We're very happy with the website ... it is so user friendly and looks so nice."
-Dairy Policy Action Coalition
"You did a terrific job on this website."
-PA Independent Oil and Gas Association
"We just wanted to express again how much we love the website!"
-Rich Valley Gymnastics
"Thank you so much for your work ... I can't believe you got it done so quickly, it looks great."
-Clear Coalition